Thursday, January 23, 2025


Nothing like the launch of a new collection at the start of the year to get you back into it. Bitumen Psalms will be launched with six other Flying Islands Pocket Poets collections and their special anthology 100 Poets on Sunday January 26 (yes Australia/Survival Day) at 2 pm in The Shop Gallery, 112 Glebe Point Road, Glebe. All welcome. 

I am thrilled that long-time friend and stunning writer Sarah St Vincent Welch has agreed to do the honours. Her words as always will be eloquent and thoughtful. Sarah was one of my readers at manuscript stage offering fabulous support and advice. Dylan Jones, designer and photographer did an excellent job of typesetting and designing Bitumen Psalms and was also a dream to work with. Looking forward to the road trip to Sydney with this talented team. Forever grateful. 

Please see the invitation above for all the new books. The other 2025 Flying Islands Pocket Poets are David Adès, Tug Dumbly, Huang Fan translated by John Stenberg, Nathanael O’Reilly, Brian Purcell, Bronwyn Rodden. The 100 Poets anthology is edited by Brian Purcell and Kit Kelen. RRP $12.50 pb; $6.25 e-book. Buy the books on the day or order online. Support Flying Islands Pocket Poets by subscribing

These new releases will also be launched as a group at the Newcastle Writers Festival in April. Watch for various individual launches and events in between.

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