Sunday, April 14, 2019


Marie MacMillan (Sydney) opens the open mike!

That Poetry Thing! that's on Monday Nights at Smith's, Smiths Alternative, 76 Alinga Street Civic ACT
Had the best time at That Poetry Thing! on Monday night. Apart from stunning poets Sarah St Vincent Welch and Anna Couani and their book launches, there were good performances in the open mic session, starting with Marie MacMillan and her entertaining acronym tongue twister. Thanks to the team of poets who keep this lively program happening every week. See below for programmed features over the next few weeks or visit (and thank you to poet Hazel Hall for including this info in her own mail-outs).
15 April
Featuring a reading from Behrouz Boochani’s award-winning No Friend but the Mountains. Special guests. Silent auction. For a donation, read your own poem or another poet’s on themes of exile, expatriation, border crossings, transposition & assimilation. 

For Easter Monday, a pair of NSW poets both published by University of Western Australia Press. Sydney's Richard James Allen introduces his new collection The short story of you and I, while Newcastle's Steve Armstrong presents poems from his debut Broken Ground.
$10/$5 on the door. Open mic.

Tricia Dearborn will launch her third collection Autobiochemistry (UWA Press). Tricia has been widely published in literary journals and anthologies. She is on the editorial board of Plumwood Mountain an online journal of ecopoetry.

Gregory Piko's writing has appeared widely. His awards include joint first place in the WB Yeats Poetry Prize for Australia and first prize in the New Zealand International Haiku Competition. Gregory collaborated with Vanessa Proctor from Sydney in writing Blowing Up Balloons: baby poems for parents (Red Moon Press).
$10/$5 on the door. Open mic.

$10/$5 on the door. Open mic.

13 May — Mother Tongue Multilingual Poetry Night

That Poetry Thing! starts off with a diverse open mike — 
PS Cottier adds her voice

Robyn Sykes (Binalong) performs her poem from the exhibition Bimblebox: 153 Birds

Writers Tip: 
Make use of those open mikes to test your voice, hone reading or performance skills, get your work known.

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