Friday, March 29, 2013


If you’re interested in Michael Dransfield you’ll find a review of Michael Dransfield’s Lives (Miegunyah Press at Melbourne University Press, 1999) with a round of lively comments at Rochford Street ReviewPosted April 20, 2012.

The article is: “Who was Michael Dransfield?” Robert Adamson revisits ‘MichaelDransfield’s Lives: A Sixties Biography’ by Patricia Dobrez.  It’s a big rewrite of an article which appeared earlier in Australian Book Review.

Mark Roberts (RSR editor) and other poets join in the discussion with quite a focus on Robert Adamson’s remarks about gatekeepers. Touchy subject.

Me: If you find yourself keeping a gate – keep it open. Except in the country where the golden rule is to leave a gate as you find it.

The current issue of Rochford Street Review includes reviews of collections by: Joanne Burns, Geoff Page, Josephine Rowe, Julie Watts.

Poets Go Ahead

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this link, Lizz. Interesting to consider that if Dransfield hadn't died so young, would he be an established poet by now?
