Sunday, March 26, 2023



Gallop in to A Brush with Poetry this afternoon 1.30 for 2.00 pm (or arrive when you can). Bring a poem (or a song) or just come to listen. It's serious, it's fun, it's moving, it's a bit silly, it's bush, it's contemporary, it's story, it's bloody good poetry. Something for everyone. Bring a friend. New and experienced very welcome ... poets/performers that is as for the friends that's up to you. It's in The Hive at the back of Café on Queen, Queen Street. (This is a photo of the Binalong Mechanics Institute this morning — not to confuse you — just to show you a typical Binalong day. There's a time when that might've been me! Seriously.)

I'll tell you about the amazing Jacqui Malins installation Wrack and Salvage later. Today is the last day. Take a trot (groan) over the Belconnen Arts Centre if you can't get to Binalong. Cheers.

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