Tuesday, November 24, 2020














Here are three of this year’s anthology releases and I’m thrilled to have a poem in each of them: Anthology of Australian Prose Poetry (MUP, eds. Cassandra Atherton & Paul Hetherington, RRP $39.99 pb, 232 pp), Australian Poetry Anthology, Volume 8/2020 (Australian Poetry Inc, eds. Sara Saleh & Melinda Smith), These Strange Outcrops: Writing and Art from Canberra (Cicerone Journal, RRP $10). Belated thanks and congratulations to all the editors. See the links for more information including how to buy.


If you'd like to know more about Canberra's iconic Cummings bus shelters (featured on the cover of These Strange Outcrops) visit Capital History Here. I used them on occasion — and got a poem or two — but mostly I saw them in passing as my Yass-based Transborder bus tootled through the ACT dropping us regional commuters off at key work spots. Also remembering now how much we all valued our Transborder drivers (I'm talking 1990s) — they were mates. Also remembering the day I could NOT stop coughing! Driver John handed  a Soother to the passenger in the front seat and it was handed along until it reached me, and I discovered Soothers really do work just like on the ads. Who'd have thought ...



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